Lead drum in Mandinka percussion, known throughout the world today thanks to its extraordinary powerful sound, the Djembe is played accompanied by other Djembes and dunduns.
Lead drum in Mandinka percussion, known throughout the world today thanks to its extraordinary powerful sound, the Djembe is played accompanied by other Djembes and dunduns.
Lead drum in Mandinka percussion, known throughout the world today thanks to its extraordinary powerful sound, the Djembe is played accompanied by other Djembes and dunduns.
Lead drum in Mandinka percussion, known throughout the world today thanks to its extraordinary powerful sound.
Large cylindrical drum that usually accompanies the Djembe. It can be played alone or in a group of three drums of different sizes: the dundun, the sangban and the kenkeni. The drum is played with a curved wooden stick (included).
Large cylindrical drum that usually accompanies the Djembe. It can be played alone or in a group of three drums of different sizes: the dundun, the sangban and the kenkeni. The drum is played with a curved wooden stick (included).
Pentatonic xylophone of Senofu origin: its Geuni wood keys and its calabash gourd resonators provide a remarkable sound. It is played with two rubber covered mallets (included)
Pentatonic xylophone : its Gueni wood keys and its calabash gourd resonators provide a remarkable sound. It is played with two rubber covered mallets (included).
Pentatonic xylophone : its Geuni wood keys and its calabash gourd resonators provide a remarkable sound. It is played with two rubber covered mallets (included)
Diatonique xylophone of Malinké origin: its Guéni wood keys and its calabash gourd resonators provide a remarkable sound. It is played with two rubber covered mallets (included)
The Doso Ngoni means the hunters’ guitar in Bambar. Originally with 6 strings, it is available today with 8, 10 and 12 strings.
En Afrique, « la formation d’un apprenti djembéfola commence généralement par l’observation : le jeune suit le groupe, démonte les dounoun et fait le thé,...
« Qu’il s’agisse d’un mariage, d’un baptême ou d’une autre manifestation profane, le déroulement d’un jeu de tambour reste à peu près identique. Les...
« Le djembé était autrefois monté avec de la peau d’antilope, aujourd’hui délaissée pour de la peau de chèvre. Tandis que la quantité de caprins augmentait...
Tambour du pays mandingue, le djembé a pour origine une région située de part et d’autre de la frontière qui sépare le Mali de la Guinée Conakry. Les...